Farm Planning & Geometry

Meticulous planning is necessary for a successful farm- from mapping the location to carefully planning seeding dates. The layout of a farm can improve it’s efficiency. Ideally you are on a very subtle, South facing slope. This allows for more sunlight to hit the Earth and for the snow to melt and soil to warm more quickly in the Spring. In the picture (left) of our first farm location, you can even see the gentle slope.

Another way we save time and effort through planning is uniformity. Our rows are all 36 inches across, and 42 inches apart on center. Each row is methodically laid out according to these measurements. Taking time to plan with precision gives us a constant template which makes planting and cultivating easier. The rows are spaced to allow a tractor to pass through and leave enough room for humans to work.

Planning what to plant also requires careful attention to detail. We follow a planting schedule that guides the season and allows us to know exactly when to start ordering seeds, seeding, transplanting. We record each year what and how much we grow which allows us to revise the following year based on our goals. This year we plan to grow considerably more, so it is crucial to have the records from last season as reference. Planning allows for crop rotation as well— allowing us to know which families we planted in certain rows and what is appropriate to plant in succession.