Who We Are

The Patterson family, consisting of Emma, Doug and Page have been connecting the community with locally grown organic produce throughout the Taos Valley for the past 10 years and counting. They share a passion for regenerative farming and local food systems.

How We Started

Rio Lucero Farms began in the Patterson’s backyard over 10 years ago. It started with just a few small plots and was solely family run. The Patterson’s started with a passion for growing their own food and learning more about how to farm in this high-desert climate. As the years went by, they gained enough experience to grow food for the community and eventually expand the farm.

Now the farm grows enough produce to sell at the Farmers Market and to local restaurants. From less than an acre in the beginning, Rio Lucero has expanded to three locations we currently grow on- soon to be a fourth. We also have a permanent store and market stand in the works. We are excited to continue to learn, build community and find new avenues to share our produce.